If installation has finished but Splashtop Streamer still cannot start, please try the following suggestions:
- If you are using Windows XP, and Splashtop Streamer will not start after installation has completed, use Task Manager to stop the SRServer.exe process. Then manually launch again.
We found that if a service process named Terminal Services is disabled, this would prevent the Splashtop Streamer from being launched. If it is disabled in your case, please enable it manually from Task Manager/Process.
Note that the Terminal Services process exists only in XP Professional (not in XP Home). You can find the service as follows:
- Right-click on My Computer and select Manage from the menu.
- In the Computer Management window, open Services And Applications in the left pane and click Services.
- In the Services pane, there should be a Terminal Services item in the list in the right pane. If it is disabled, right-click on Terminal Services, select Properties from the menu, then select Manual and click Apply. The Start button will then be enabled.
- Click the Start button to start Terminal Services. The Splashtop Streamer should then start up automatically!
- Renaming the plug-in folder (under C or D:\Program Files\Splashtop\Splashtop Remote\Server) in Windows Vista or Win 7 can solve the "Streamer failed to launch" issue if you also have other Splashtop apps like FileHound, CamCam, Whiteboard...
- Try un-installing the previous installation, restart the PC, then install again.