Devices page shows a list of these authorized devices that you can access with Splashtop On-Prem Client app to the computers.
As a common security practice, Admin may require the device being authorized before it can login to Splashtop On-Prem app. Only the authorized devices will show up in the list.
On the page:
- OS: It shows the platform of the device where Splashtop On-Prem running
- Device Name: It shows the device's name
- Version: It shows the Splashtop On-Prem app's version
- IP Address: It shows where the last login originated
- Last Login: It shows the timestamp of last login
- Delete: You can remove the device, once it's removed, the device can't login before being authorized again.
- Search: You can search a particular device in the search box
If you don't have any device being authorized, you'll see an empty list like the following:
Useful links