Preference Policy


Preference Policy is a tool to remotely configure the Streamer settings of your deployed Streamers and is accessible from the Splashtop Gateway web console. By assigning Streamers to your policy, you can configure and overwrite existing Streamer settings without having to redeploy the Streamer or manually change the settings locally at the endpoint.

Required Gateway version: v3.24.0 or higher


At the current time, only Windows and Mac Streamers (version and higher) can be added to a Preference Policy.



Create Policy


To create a new policy, log into your Splashtop Gateway web console,  hover over Management, and click on Preference Policy in the drop-down menu. Then, click on Create Policy.


create policy.png



You will see the following screen if you have not created any policy yet.

no preference policy.png

If you have already created a policy, you will see the following screen instead.

create policy.png

Beside Name and Description, there are three major categories: General, Security, and Bandwidth Management.

create policy properties.png


Each of the three categories divide up into two boxes. The left box (Selected Options) contains the settings that you have added to your policy. The right box (Unselected Options) contains the settings that you can choose from to add to your policy.

You can also assign a group manager to your policy.

assign group manager.png


Add and remove items to your policy

To add an item to your policy, click on the blue plus button. The selected item will be moved to the left box of selected options.

add item.png

Instead, if you want to remove an item from your policy, click on the red minus button. The selected item will be moved to the right box of unselected options.

remove item.png

Configure the value of an added item

After you have added an item to your policy, you can configure its value. Most of the items have binary values that you can toggle on or off. If the switch is greyed out, the value is set to off. Conversely, if the switch is blue, the value is set to on.

switch greyed out.pngswitch is blue.png

Initially, the item values are set to their default value. For example, the blank screen setting above is by default turned off.

Know your item

If you are not sure about the function of an item, you can click on the angle bracket icon to display a concise description.

angle bracket.pngclick the angle bracket.png

Bandwidth Management

Bandwidth Management is a brand new tool that allows you to control bandwidth in terms of the parameters FPS and audio quality.

As for the items Maximum FPS Option and Maximum Audio Quality Option, if you select the highest value (Maximum FPS Option: "Ultra High", Maximum Audio Quality Option: Ultra High - 384k"), it will have the same effect as not adding these items to your policy at all: no bandwidth restrictions for your users.

bandwidth management.png



Add computers

After you have created the policy, you can then add computers to it.

Directly click on Add Computer in the pop-up.

add computer pop-up.png

add computer page.png

Alternatively, click on Add in the Preference Policy dashboard.

another way to add computer.png

Select the computer or computer group you want to apply your policy to, and click on Save. Please also make sure that the Splashtop Streamer is updated to the latest version.

Please note that only Streamers v3.5.2.5 or higher will be displayed in the list of computers that you can add to your policy.

add computer page.png

The associated policies will be displayed in a new column "Policy Name" at Management - all computers page.

all computers page with preference policy applied.png



Assign Preference Policy to Deployment Package

Since Splashtop On-Prem Gateway v3.24.0, you can have your Streamers to follow a specific preference policy the moment they get deployed.  Select a created preference policy from the dropdown shown in the below screenshot when creating a new deployment package from the Deployment page. Please refer to this article for more information on how to create a new deployment package: How do I set up the computers that I want to access remotely?

create preference policy from deployment package.png



When a user remotes to a computer that associated to a preference policy, the configured settings or restrictions apply to the remote session. For example, if your policy restricts the FPS to High and the user tries to set it to Ultra High, an error message will pop-up.




Many of the items that you can configure within Preference Policy can also be configured from within the Streamer UI. If a setting that you have configured in your policy is also part of the Streamer settings, the respective setting will be greyed out and cannot be configured from within the Streamer UI until detached from the policy. For example, since the blank screen setting has been enabled in the preference policy, this option is locked in the Streamer UI for all computers that this policy has been applied to.


If you remove the computer from the policy, or if you remove the item (in this case Blank Screen) from your policy, the setting can be configured from the Streamer UI again. However, its value will not automatically switch back to the default value (remember Blank Screen is turned off by default) but will keep the value it had been given to before.



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