Scheduled Access


Scheduled Access is a new feature that will allow admins to schedule users, groups and computers for remote access on a time-slot basis. 

See this article for a few example scheduling scenarios.

Notes and Best Practices

  • Scheduled Access are granted in addition to existing user/group permissions that are set under Management -> Users - they do *NOT* override existing user/group permissions. 
  • If there is already existing permissions configured under Management -> Users, it is recommended to de-associate these existing permissions and “migrate” to use the Scheduled Access feature for users who only need scheduled remote access.
  • The Team Owner and Admins can use the Scheduled Access feature.
  • For open lab hours, create a separate schedule and configure timeslot for it. For example, 0:00 – 9:00, include all groups of members. 17:00 – 23:59 another timeslot and include the group of members. 
  • To receive proper disconnect warning messagesrequires Splashtop On-Prem app v3.4.6.0 or higher version + Streamer v3.4.6.0 or higher version + Splashtop Gateway v3.14.0 or higher version.
  • The select computer page may not work well on IE11. If you see issues with IE11, please try another browser or upgrade IE. 

Scheduled Access Configuration

  1. Before creating any new schedules, go to Splashtop web console -> Settings -> Team settings -> Unattended access to configure the Scheduled Access timezone. Timezone cannot be changed when a schedule is in place. Only the team owner has access to this setting.
  2. Go to https://{gatewayaddress} -> Management -> Scheduled Access 
    2-sidebar-management-schedualed access.png
  3. Click "Create Resource" and fill in the fields. The resource will contain what set of computers will be scheduled for access, such as a specific computer lab.
    3-create resource.png
  4. Click "Advanced Settings" to enable support for Exclusive Mode. This setting prevents a remote user from accessing a computer if there is a user logged into the operating system. This helps with preventing users from connecting into a computer that is in local use. The logout and lock screen settings also help for cases where students forget to log out of their OS accounts.
    8.3-click advanced.png
  5. Select the computers or computer groups that you would like to make available in the resource.

    5.1-add computers.png5.2-select computers or groups.png
  6. (Optional) Assign a Group Admin to help with managing schedules on the resource. Group admins also have the capability to create resources and schedules.
    6-resource managers.png
  7. Click Manage Schedule from context drop-down menu (Gear Button) to assign Schedules to the resource.
    7.1-manage schedule.png7.2-create schedule.png
  8. Create the Schedule for the resource by filling in the Name, Starting Date, and Recurrence. Select user groups or individual users to associate with the schedule. You may also paste a list of user emails. Note: The time drop-down selection is a 30-minute interval, but you can manually type in a value granular to a minute.8.1-schedule name page.png8.2-repeat.png
    Check "Force session to disconnect when schedule ends" if you would like sessions to forcefully disconnect at the end of the timeslot. Note: This does not log out of the remote computer's user account.
    Exclusive mode:
    Click "Advanced Settings" to turn on/off exclusive access
    8.3-click advanced.png
    Allows computers that are part of this schedule to be accessed only if the computer is currently at the Windows/Mac Login screen, making the computer exclusive for the user that is currently logged in to the Operating system using the computer. Applies for users either present at the lab or remotely connected through a Splashtop session.

    Auto-logout after disconnection might be helpful for exclusive access. Make sure streamers are updated to v3.4.4.0 to use the checkbox option above.

  9. To pause / resume a Schedule, click on the Schedule and then pause / resume button. 
  10. To clone a Schedule, use the Clone button. 
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