Introduction to the Management Console

Management console is an important panel in Splashtop Gateway web portal for Team Administrator and Group Manager to manage system configurations, such as the users and groups, computers and end points, deployment package, security settings, and etc.


The menu available in management console varies depending on the role you are assigned to, whether a team administrator, a group manager or just an ordinary member.

A member user is not allowed to access the management console, so Management tab does not appear in the menu.

A group manager can see 4 items in Management tab: Users, All Computers, All Device and Deployment.

The team Administrator has 6 items in Management tab: Users, All Computers, All Device, Grouping, Deployment and Settings.

We will explain the functionality of each items in Management Console from the team administrator's perspective.

admin management sidebar.png

  • Users
  • All Computers
  • All Device
  • Grouping
  • Deployment
  • Settings



Administrators or managers can use this page to create a new user or modify attributes of existing users.

There are 3 types of user account in Splashtop On-Prem: local account , SSO account and active directory (AD) account. To add an AD user or SSO user, the team administrator should firstly configure the SSO IDP or active directory server in Settings.

User attributes, including role, group, access permission, display name, password, 2-step verification, are available to configure in the Users page.

For more details on Users page, please refer to the articles below:

Create user accounts

How to set computer access permissions?

How do I give limited admin rights?


All Computers

This page allows the administrators to overview and manage the computers registered in Splashtop On-Prem system. A computer can be renamed, assigned to a group, assigned permissions for users and etc. For more details, please refer to the article below:

Manage Computers


All Device

This page allows the administrators to overview and manage the client devices registered in Splashtop On-Prem system. For more details, please refer to the article below:

Manage Devices



Now Splashtop On-Prem allows the administrator to create groups that contain specific computer(s) and user(s). It's easy to manage access permission based on groups. For more details, please refer to the article below:

Manage Grouping



Deployment package provides quick and easy way to install and configure Streamers in computers. Administrator can create different custom deployment packages based on company security policies. For more details, please refer to the article below:

What are those deploy options?

How do I set up the computers that I want to access remotely?


Team Settings

A team is a concept in multi-tenant Splashtop On-Prem system, where a tenant is regarded as a team. The Team Administrator is able to access and manage the Team Settings in the Management Console. For more details, please refer to the article below:

Manage Team Settings

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