How to get the right Splashtop Streamer?

Streamers for different operating systems are embedded in the Splashtop Gateway to simplify the on-premise deployment process. When the system administrator creates/customizes a deployment package, Streamer Installer of different operating systems is included in the package. Therefore, the end users are always encouraged to use the built-in Splashtop Streamer to ensure the best compatibility and experience.


For end users to deploy Streamer on the computers to connect to

A Streamer must be installed on the remote computer that you want to connect to. To install a Streamer, submit a request to your system administrator.

You will probably receive a link similar to the one below:

https://(Splashtop_Server_IP):(Port Number)/web/management/download/(Deployment Code)

Splashtop Server IP: is the IP address of the server where Splashtop Gateway locates
Port Number: the default port used by Splashtop On-Prem is 443, but it can be changed
Deployment Code: is a 12-digit code that grants you the access to the deployment package
Open the link in a web browser, and you should see the Streamer download link in this page. Go straight to download and install the Streamer in your Windows/Mac/Android/Linux device.

Launching the Streamer for the first time, you are required to enter the Gateway IP address (including the port number) and the 12-digit deployment code and click Allow Access to complete the Streamer deployment.


For Team Owner to update the Streamer download in the Gateway

From time to time, Splashtop releases new versions of Streamer to enhance the performance, stability and security with clear statement about version compatibility. The Team Owner is responsible for uploading and maintaining the versions of Streamer in Splashtop Gateway. 

1. Upload to Splashtop Gateway

Log in to Splashtop Gateway web portal as Team owner, and go to System > Software, click Upload to upload the new version into the system. 


Browse the installer, check the "Set this pkg as active" option and start uploading.

Only "pkg" files are accepted to upload. Please go to Splashtop Streamer Downloads to get "pkg" installer.



2. Set the right version as active

In the same Software page, Team Owner can activate and de-activate any of the installers. The end users will only see the active installers in the deployment page.



For Splashtop Enterprise v2 users

If you are a user of the Splashtop Enterprise v2 system, please refer to the link below for more information.


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