Computer Notes

In both the On-Prem app and web console, your written computer notes can be included in search results when using the search box.

Web console:

There is a Notes column on My Computers and All Computers pages. The matched computers will show when typing the computer notes in the search box.

See the below example: searching for the character "He" brings up all matches from the computer list. 


On-Prem app:

To include computer notes in search results in the On-Prem app, enable the Show Notes option. On Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS, you can turn it on by navigating to View -> Show Notes.



When the Show Notes option is on, characters typed into the search box will include results from computer notes. Matching items will be highlighted when found.

See the below example: one computer has the note "Hello, world!".


Team members now have the permission to edit the computer notes:

The team owner can manage the team member's permission for the computer notes. (This feature requires On-Prem app v3.7.2.1 or higher, and Gateway v3.32.0 or higher.)

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