Command-line parameters to silently install your Splashtop Streamer and Client app

Splashtop Streamer can be silently installed with command line parameters. 




Notice:  Supported by Splashtop Streamer or higher. 

New install using EXE:

streamer.exe prevercheck /s /i sc=gateway_address:port,dcode=your_code,confirm_d=0,ignoressl=1,hidewindow=1

Upgrade using EXE:

streamer.exe prevercheck /s /i hidewindow=1
  • Replace "streamer.exe" with the actual file name of your streamer installer.
  • Replace "gateway_address:port" with your own gateway's IP/FQDN:Port
  • Replace "your_code" with your own 12-digit deployment code.

Note that there is no space after each comma.

EXE parameters:

  • prevercheck: (required)
  • /s: Silent installation. Bypass InstallShield prompts.
  • /i: Run in command-line mode (required).
  • sc=gateway_address:port: the Gateway's IP/FQDN:Port, if Port is 443, it can be ignored
  • dcode=your_code: Inject the 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with pre-defined Splashtop group and settings.
  • confirm_d=0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.
  • ignoressl=1: Do not prompt SSL warning if the Gateway has no trusted SSL cert
    • 0: Force SSL check
    • 1: Ignore SSL check
  • hidewindow=1: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
  • sec_opt=number: Security option. (Note: the deployment code config overrides this parameter)
    • 0: No additional password
    • 1: Require security code
    • 2: Require Windows login on
  • sec_code=your_security_code: Choose the security code to use (no space or special symbols allowed).

Client app

New install using EXE:

SplashtopClientApp.exe prevercheck /s

Upgrade using EXE:

SplashtopClientApp.exe prevercheck /s


Splashtop_Client_v3.5.8.3.exe prevercheck /s

Create a custom configured MSI for GPO deployment:

For easier deployment via Group Policy (GPO), you can create a custom configured MSI to include several settings, such as the deployment code. Here are step-by-step instructions:
Custom MSI with Orca.

New install using MSI:

msiexec /norestart /qn /i setup.msi USERINFO="sc=gateway_address:port,dcode=your_code,hidewindow=1,confirm_d=0,ignoressl=1"

  • Rename the Streamer MSI installer to "setup.msi" before use
  • Replace "gateway_address:port" with your own gateway's IP/FQDN:Port
  • Replace "your_code" with your own 12-digit deployment code.

Upgrade using MSI:


  • For upgrade, the setup.msi file name has to be the same as the originally installed MSI file name.  If the original install was with the EXE installer, then the file should be named "setup.msi".
    • msiexec /norestart /qn /i setup.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus MSIENFORCEUPGRADECOMPONENTRULES=1 CA_UPGRADE=1 USERINFO="hidewindow=1"
  • Note: If you are running the command from a CMD window, the CMD window must be running with admin rights.


Note that there is no space after the comma.

MSI parameters:

  • /qn: Silent installation.
  • /i: Run in command-line mode (required).
  • hidewindow=1: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
  • sc=gateway_address:port: the Gateway's IP/FQDN:Port, if Port is 443, it can be ignored
  • dcode=your_code: Inject the 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with pre-defined Splashtop group and settings.
  • sec_opt=number: Security option
    • 0: No additional password
    • 1: Require security code
    • 2: Require Windows login on
  • ignoressl=1: Do not prompt SSL warning if the Gateway has no trusted SSL cert
    • 0: Force SSL check
    • 1: Ignore SSL check
  • sec_code=your_security_code: Choose the security code to use (no space or special symbols allowed).
  • confirm_d=0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.

Silent uninstall:

streamer.exe msiexec /qn /x setup.msi

This uninstallation command works for both EXE and MSI installations.


Mac OS X

Notice: Supported by Splashtop Streamer or higher. 

sudo ./ -i streamer.dmg -z "gateway_address:port" -d your_code -w 0 -s 0 -q 1 -n "my_computer1"

  • Replace with the appropriate installer image file name and your own 12-digit code.
  • Download the script file below (uploaded 2021/09/29).
  • Please uninstall already deployed Streamers by running Uninstall Splashtop or uninstall app find inside the streamer.dmg before using the script to make sure there was no previous setting interference.


  • -z "gateway_address:port": the Gateway's IP/FQDN:Port, if Port is 443, it can be ignored
  • -d your_code: Inject the 12-digit deployment code to automatically associate the Streamer with pre-defined Splashtop group and settings.
  • -w 0: Do not show the confirmation prompt when injecting deployment code.
  • -s 0: Do not show the Streamer window after installation.
  • -q 1: Do not prompt SSL warning if the Gateway has no trusted SSL cert (0 Force SSL check; 1 Ignore SSL check)
  • -n "Computer_name": computer name.



sudo ./ -i streamer.dmg -z "ste_server:443" -d 123456789XXX -w 0 -s 0 -q 1 -n "my_computer1"  


sudo ./ -i streamer.dmg -w 0 -s 0


Silent Uninstall Mac Streamer

1. Extract Uninstall Splashtop from your Streamer_v3.x.x.x.dmg - Uninstall Splashtop

2. Locate the script path and execute with below command in Terminal:

sudo ./'Uninstall Splashtop'


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