The screen recording feature allows you to record screen of the remote computer during a remote session. When a remote session ends, the recording file will automatically be saved locally for troubleshooting, training or auditing purpose in future.
Automatic Session Recording
A Splashtop On-Prem user can enable automatic session recording in Splashtop On-Prem client app. Access the option from File, choose Options and select Advanced tab. Once this option is checked, screen recording will start along with every remote session.
Manual Session Recording
By default, automatic session recording is disabled. But you can start a screen record session simply clicking on the Start Recording button located at the Menu bar, at any point of a remote control session.
Recording files
Recording files are saved in ../Documents/Splashtop On-Prem folder in the Splashtop On-Prem client machine. The files are stored in .webm format. If Windows Media Player fails to open .webm file, you can drag the file onto a Chrome tab to play.
A few points to take note regarding the session recording:
- Recording files from multiple recording sessions will be merged into one, as long as they belong to the same remote control session.
- Audio is not captured with the screen recording.
- To include the cursor in the video, enable Show Remote Cursor option.