Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts support has been enhanced to help users optimize workflow when using Splashtop On-Prem app to have remote connections. The main difference is that users now can decide the shortcuts should apply to the local side (the side you initiate the connection) or the remote side(the side you want to connect to.)


  • Splashtop On-Prem app version or later.

Available Options

There are four options in “Keyboard Shortcuts“ on the toolbar of the remote connection: Enable Splashtop Shortcuts, Enable System Shortcuts, Enable Input-Releasing Shortcut and Remap Cmd in Shortcuts.


For Enable Splashtop Shortcuts and Enable System Shortcuts, when you tick the option, it means the shortcuts will apply to the local side. When they are unticked, it means the shortcuts will apply to the remote side.

For Enable Input-Releasing Shortcut, ticking the option means turning it on, while unticking the option means disabling the function.

For Remap Cmd in Shortcurts, ticking the option means turning it on, while unticking the option means disabling the function.

Keyboard Shortcuts Tick the Option Untick the Option
Enable Splashtop Shortcuts  Splashtop shortcuts work on the local side Splashtop shortcuts work on the remote side
Enable System Shortcuts System shortcuts work on the local side System shortcuts work on the remote side
Enable Input-Releasing Shortcut Turn on Input-Releasing Shortcut Turn off the Input-Releasing Shortcut
Remap Cmd key in Shortcuts Turn on Remap Cmd key in Shortcuts Turn off Remap Cmd key in Shortcuts.


Splashtop Shortcuts

Splashtop provides handy keyboard shortcuts to be used in our app main window & session window.
See supported shortcuts here 

System Shortcuts

Some most-used system shortcuts on Mac & Windows are collected and available for users. You can decide these shortcuts to work either on your local computer or the remote one to fit your workflow.




Command + Tab

Switch app

Command + H

Hide window

Command + M

Minimize the active window

Command + `

Cycle through windows

Command + Space

Open the Spotlight menu




Alt + Tab

Switch app

Shift + Alt + Tab

Switch app reversely

Windows logo key + D

Display and hide the desktop

Windows logo key + M

Minimize all windows

Windows logo key + Shift + M

Restore minimized windows on the desktop

Windows logo key + Tab

Open Task view


Input-releasing Shortcut

This shortcut allows you to move mouse & keyboard focus out of Splashtop app. All input would be released from your remote window, and all the shortcuts would only work on your local computer.



Ctrl + Command (Mac)

Ctrl + Alt (Windows)

Release mouse & keyboard input

(Shortcuts work on local computers)

Example Use Case:
 To switch app on the local computer for Windows users

For Windows users, we can use Alt + Tab to switch app. If we are having a connection from a Windows computer to a Windows computer, it will allow us to switch app on the remote computer using Alt + Tab.
With Input-releasing Shortcut, we can also use Alt + Tab to switch app on the local computer.

1. When Input-releasing Shortcut is not ticked, pressing Ctrl + Alt will allow you to switch app on the remote computer.
2. Tick the Input-releasing Shortcut option to enable it


3. Press the input-releasing shortcut Ctrl + Alt, your remote session will gray out, which indicates your operation will apply to the local side.

(grayed out)


4. Now press Ctrl + Alt, and you can switch app on the local computer instead of the remote computer.

Remap Command key Shortcuts

This feature is available when you have updated your On-Prem App to version and only works in cross-platform connections(Windows > Mac or Mac > Windows) and remaps the control and command key.


Shortcuts table
We only remap exact matching shortcuts below


From macOS To Windows
Select all Cmd + A Ctrl + A
Copy Cmd + C Ctrl + C
Paste Cmd + V Ctrl + V
Undo Cmd + Z Ctrl + Z
Cut Cmd + X Ctrl + X
Save Cmd + S Ctrl + S
Find Cmd + F Ctrl + F
Print Cmd + P Ctrl + P
Open file Cmd + O Ctrl + O
New window Cmd + N  Ctrl + N
Close window Cmd + W Ctrl + W
New tab Cmd + T Ctrl + T


From Windows To macOS
Select all Ctrl + A Cmd + A
Copy Ctrl + C Cmd + C
Paste Ctrl + V Cmd + V
Undo Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z
Cut Ctrl + X Cmd + X
Save Ctrl + S Cmd + S
Find Ctrl + F Cmd + F
Print Ctrl + P Cmd + P
Open file Ctrl + O Cmd + O
New window Ctrl + N Cmd + N 
Close window Ctrl + W Cmd + W
New tab Ctrl + T Cmd + T


If you are remoting from a MAC computer into a Windows computer, it remaps the command key as the Control key. i.e. command +C or command +V will work on the remote windows computer as control + C or Control + V

If you are remoting from a Windows computer into a MAC computer, it remaps the control key as the Command key. i.e control + C or control + V will work on the remote MAC computer as command +C or command + V


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