The Control Bar is where advanced in-session controls can be found. To bring up the Control Bar shown below, please tap on the '<' button (located in the lower right corner by default). When it's expanded, it looks like this:
These 6 menu buttons are explained below, in order of their appearance on the menu (from left to right).
- Minimize - Minimize remote session
- Disconnect - Disconnect the remote session
- Adjust session frame rate
- Lock Orientation
- Show all monitors and switch between monitors
- Change between Touch Mode and Mouse Mode. Touch Mode responds to gestures and taps on the screen, while Mouse Mouse provides an on-screen pointer, left-click, and right-click
- Show Remote Cursor - Show the remote computer's cursor
- Arrow Keys - Show on-screen arrow keys
- Scrollbar - Show an on-screen scrollbar
- Show Hints - Show Hints for the app controls
- Lock Toolbar - Lock the control menu bar in place
- Widgets Layout - Adjust the Arrow key, Scrollbar, and virtual mouse buttons layout on the screen
- Blank Screen - Request the remote computer to enable blank screen during remote session
- Lock Keyboard and Mouse - Request the remote computer to lock keyboard and mouse during the remote session
- Paste Clipboard as Keystrokes - Paste the content in local clipboard to remote computer as key strokes
- Ctrl-Alt-Del - Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to remote computer, if the remote computer is a Mac system, this item will be
This button shows other feature entries
- Whiteboard - If the device is an Android tablet, the whiteboard feature will allow user to annotate on the screen, makes the app to be an interactive whiteboard
- File Transfer - Start file transfer between the local Android device and remote computer
- Keyboard - Enables the virtual keyboard