Using the Controls Menu Bar for iOS clients

The "Controls" menu is where advanced in-session controls can be found.  To bring up the "Controls" menu shown below, please perform either of the following gestures:

1.  Three-finger tap on the iPad screen during a connected session.

2.  Double-tap on the '^' button located in the lower right corner during a connected session.

note.gif  Please note, the appearance of the Control Bar may vary, according to your version of Splashtop.  It may also contain icons for Splashtop Whiteboard and CSG (shown at the end of this article).



These buttons are explained below in order of their appearance on the menu (from left to right). 


  • Disconnects the current session and goes back to the list of computers.


  • Opens the Hints for the various Gestures.

Lock orientation

  • Provides the capability to lock or unlock the orientation to either Portrait or Landscape.

Sharp or Smooth

  • Provides two video modes; Sharp (default) and Smooth video rendering.  Sharp mode gives clearer display quality.  Smooth mode gives faster streaming performance but consumes more of the computer's CPU power.

Trackpad mode

  • Trackpad mode provides the user gesture-like mouse manipulations with left-click or right-click.  It's useful for opening hidden bars like the Windows Task Bar or Mac Task Bar.

Switch Display

  • Provides switching to and back from your secondary monitor, if your computer has more than one display/monitor attached.

Arrow Keys

  • Provides an arrow pad for ease of operation on applications.


  • Opens the virtual keyboard or bluetooth keyboard if has been connected.

 Controls Bar Off

  • Hides the Controls menu bar.


In addition, depending on the version you have, the Control Bar may also contain icons for Splashtop Whiteboard and Configurable Shortcuts and Gamepad (illustrated below).  If so, you can access them from the Toolbar on the Client app during a remote connection.


Splashtop Whiteboard

If you see this icon, our popular Splashtop Whiteboard app is included free with your Splashtop Enterprise!  To start it, just tap the Whiteboard-icon-cutout-from-Toolbar.png  icon on the Toolbar, shown in the previous illustration.

For information about Splashtop Whiteboard, please see our web page at:

For Frequently Asked Questions, please see the Splashtop Whiteboard Support page at:



Configurable Shortcuts and Gamepad (CSG)

If you see this icon, another app you have, free with Splashtop Enterprise, is our Configurable Shortcuts and GamePad.  To start CSG, tap the CSG-icon-cutout-from-Toolbar.png icon on the Toolbar.  For information about this product:

For a basic introduction, please see this Press Release:


And this brochure:


To watch a demo video and tutorial video, go to our web page at:



note.gif  NOTE:  The iPad, with iOS 4.3 or later, is capable of configuring the "Side Switch" to either Lock Rotation or Mute.

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